How to Grow Spinach
3 Easy Steps to Success!

Sow: Febuary-June / September-October
Plant: May-July / October
Harvest: May-June / October-December
Spinach is one of Ireland's favourite salads - its mild and crispy taste means summer has arrived! Amazing with juicy red cherry tomatoes, or in salads, sandwiches and stir fries.
Choose a site or container with fertile soil in a shaded position. Spinach prefers cool, wet weather.
Sow seeds 1.5cm deep in moist soil.
Sow little and often for a continuous supply, and provide shade from full summer sun. It will bolt (flower, produce seeds and end its life) if exposed to hot or dry conditions.
Transplant seedlings into final growing position with 7 cm between plants for baby spinach, and 15 cm between plants for regular spinach leaves. Rows should be around 25 cm apart.
If you are tight on space, interplant it between beans or peas.
Feed regularly and protect from slugs.
Once the plant gets to a decent size, pick the outer leaves as required by twisting them away from the plant. Spinach is usually ready to harvest 8-10 weeks after sowing.
Best used fresh, but you can store in the fridge for up to 3 days. Don’t wash the leaves until you’re ready to use them.